Catalogue 363

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Premières Nations & Arctique / First Nations & Arctic       

BEALS, Carlyle Smith «Science, History and Hudson Bay» (2 volumes). Ottawa, Dept. of Energy, Mines and Resources, 1968. 1057 p. (25 cm). Original pictorial cloth, profusely illustrated, a part in color. Nice set. (Inv. #37834)
25 $
BROCHU, Michel «Le Défi du Nouveau-Québec» Montréal, Éditions du Jour, 1962. 156 p. (21 cm). Carte. La situation économique et la question esquimaude (inuit). (Inv. #26085)
15 $
DAVIES, K.G. & JOHNSON, A.M. (eds.) «Northern Quebec and Labrador Journals and Correspondance, 1819-35» London, The Hudson's Bay Record Society, 1963. LXXIX,415,XV p. (24 cm). Original black cloth, gilt decoration on front board, dust jacket, 2 folding maps in rear pocket. Limited numbered edition (#518) issued only to subscribers to The Hudson's Bay Record Society; it concerns the mapping and discoveries of the interior of Labrador. Fine condition, scarce title. (Inv. #38145)
35 $
DUCHAUSSOIS, Pierre «Apôtres Inconnus» Paris, Éditions Spes, 1928. 274 p. (23 cm). Missions des Oblats dans les Territoires du Nord-Ouest. Illustrations et carte dépliante. (Inv. #37222)
25 $
ELDER, William «Biography of Elisha Kent Kane» Philadelphia, Childs & Peterson, 1858. 4,416,(2) p. (23 cm). Original cloth, engraved frontispiece portrait and engraved illustrated title page, with 4 full page illustrations. First biographical study of the American Arctic explorer and Navy surgeon (1820-1857). Nice copy, scarce title. (Inv. #38137)
120 $
HAMELIN, Louis-Edmond «Nordicité canadienne» La Salle, Hurtubise HMH, 1975. 438 p. (23 cm). Illustrations, cartes et graphiques. (Inv. #27547)
15 $
HANSEN, Thorkild «The Way to Hudson Bay. The Life and Times of Jens Munk» New York, Harcourt, Brace & World Inc., 1965. 348 p. (23 cm). Original cloth and dust jacket; with maps, illustrations and facsimiles. The adventures of Jens Munk, an intrepid 16th Century explorer who navigated the Arctic Seas with inadequate ships, primitive instruments and faulty charts: he made such an effort that he did not perish in the tragic search for the North-West Passage in 1619. (Inv. #37747)
15 $
HARE, Frederick Kenneth «A Photo-Reconnaissance Survey of Labrador-Ungava» Ottawa, The Queen's Printer, 1959. 83 p. (25 cm). Department of Mines and Technical Survey, geographical branch, Memoir 6. With illustrations, maps, some folding and 2 color maps in pocket. (Inv. #38905)
20 $
HOOD, Robert «To the Arctic by Canoe, 1819-1821. The Journal and Paintings of Robert Hood, Midshipman with Franklin» Montreal, McGill-Queen's University Press, 1974. XXXV,217,(24) p. (28 cm). Illustrations, some in color, maps and portraits. Edited by C. Stuart Houston. (Inv. #38162)
15 $
JENKINS, Mc Kay «Bloody Falls of the Coppermine: Madness, Murder, and the Collision of Cultures in the Arctic, 1913» New York, Random House, 2005. XVI,278,(16) p. (24 cm). Original cloth and dust jacket; profusely illustrated. About the murders of Guillaume Le Roux OMI & Jean-Baptiste Rouvière OMI, by the "Eskimos". Map. (Inv. #31622)
20 $

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